Sunday, August 13, 2006
Tonight we are in Monroe, MI which is near the border of Ohio. We didn’t get far from Jodi Lake Orion because we left about 4:30 pm. We drove pretty close to downtown Detroit and I imagine we

saw most of the sports stadiums. We are about 15 miles from Toledo, Ohio. We sure had a nice visit at Tom and Jodi’s. Tom barbecued steaks and corn for us yesterday. The steaks were from a cow from Tom’s sister’s ranch. Tender and perfect. Breakfast was homemade sausage and eggs. The weather

couldn’t have been better. I really enjoyed their baby Aaron. He sure is at a great age. He is happy, funny and smart. I laughed with him until my stomach hurt. We went to the Detroit Zoo
http://www.detroitzoo.org/ It’s a nice zoo and the highlight was a tube under the Polar Bear water tank. The bear was swimming over us and showing off. It’s about as close as I ever want to get to a big white bear. The tiger and giraffes were very hospitable and posed for pictures but the lions seemed to be on break and just laid there.
Here is another of our favorite pictures: