Monday, August 14, 2006

I forgot to mention our introduction to Michigan, a little on the rocky side. Road signs placed in weird places, secret highways, and a fear of dogs on their beaches or parking lots. See we tried to go see Lake Michigan before heading to Jodi’s, and to look at the map, it appears you drive right next to it, but alas we could see nothing but trees. So we attempted to stop at a State Park, and were told no dogs in the parking lot. Being that we were in a motorhome, we should have been able to hide the dogs, but as you all have figured

out, our dogs are not normal…so we gave up on the Lake, some other visit I guess. We also made many, many detours (not on purpose) because of the strangely places road signs, and

secret highways etc, but we did get to see The Great Raccoon Massacre of 2006. There were at least 5 in one place that had gotten hit, Jodi told us that the state doesn’t pick up the roadkill either, which would account for so many being around. Entered the state of Ohio this morning, stopped for lunch in Dayton, only to find a Shoebilee! Very much like the Shoe Carnival in Indiana, very exciting-My cross country shoe hunt has finally begun. (Lime green shoes and purse today that is a shopping bi-fecta! m) Humid again, but rightfully so with

rain both this afternoon and again tonight, Michigan had great weather. We have made it into Kentucky, thought about pushing on to Lexington, but figured there was always tomorrow. We found the cities to be so old, dirty, and very industrial. Detroit, Toledo, Dayton and Cincinnati in the last couple of days, and what a different world from the little ol’ Boise we’re used to, guess we’ll be getting used to a lot of different things. P Tonight we are staying at a park called Oak Creek
http://www.oakcreekcampground.com/ in Walton, KY.