Wednesday, August 9, 2006
Woke up to more rain which kept it cool till mid-afternoon. Found a Weight Watchers meeting, but opted not to go, after getting on the scale “at home” and was up about 4 lbs. We will have to ride the bikes more often. Finding a Bank of America was also on the agenda, we changed over to BofA before we sold the house because the bank we were with was not nationwide. But we have had nothing but problems with BofA. Debit cards didn’t arrive when they were supposed to, and then the put a hold on our Escrow check, so we were stuck in Sheridan WY when our debit card wouldn’t work. After a lengthy phone call I got the bank to release some of the funds, and the rest would be available Wed Aug. 2nd, instead of Aug 4th. Well here it is the 9th and I had to make another lengthy phone call-the funds were still on hold. But finally it is all resolved. So we went shopping! Well we did go to the big Outlet Mall about 60 miles East of Des Moines, but we weren’t all that impressed, and didn’t spend anything. After the mall we found and had our first and only Maid-Rite loose meat sandwich, again not all that impressed. We then headed towards Muscatine, IA to see the world’s only Pearl Button Factory…and they were closed! Maybe tomorrow will be better. We did make it across the Mississippi River into Illinois, which brings us to Rock Island KOA http://www.riqckoa.com/. Nice park, situated