Monday, August 28, 2006
It’s Monday morning and we are having coffee on the picnic table by the lake. We were watching a GIANT Blue Heron in the tree across from the camp. When he flew away I knew I wouldn’t want to mess with him (Not that I make a habit of messin’ with wildlife!) We just applied flea, tick and mosquito medicine down the boys backs. Bugs haven’t been a problem the whole way but better safe than sorry. Sunday was a really nice day. The Pastor David McGee was back and he was better than we hoped. He actually led worship and they rocked! They have electric guitars and aren’t afraid to use them. It is great because I love a powerful worship service. One of my favorite new worship songs might be called Trading My Sorrows (Yes, Lord!) I’m not sure who it is by originally but the chorus goes like this: Yes Lord, Yes Lord, Yes Yes Lord! It reminds me of something the Vineyard’s Pastor Tri Robinson had said in a sermon I heard, “I don’t want to, I’m afraid…but Yes Lord!” I want to live like that. Even if I don’t want to, even if it’s uncomfortable, even if it’s dangerous, even if I’m afraid. I always want to say yes to the Lord. The church is obviously very interested in the lost. It was a great message, interesting, c

onvicting and sprinkled with humor. Here is a link to our churches online audio page so you can listen:
http://www.reachthetriad.com/media.php We really feel at home there. We went to eat at a restaurant called Libby Hill Seafood, great food and reasonable prices. Living close to the coast is yummy. We picked up a mainline newspaper from Kernersville there and on the front page there were a couple of stories one titled “God’s Helping Hand” and one titled “The Lord Really Blessed Me”. Now that’s not something you see everyday in the Idaho Statesman (or LA Times). It is another world. We are really excited about the house. We have been looking at furniture and my Dad has been locating good deals on appliances and beds in the newspapers. Thanks Dad! The weather has been pretty warm but not very humid lately. It’s about 11am now and it’s cool with a nice breeze. Not humid at all. Paige is reading the newspaper and said that sunset here is at 7:54pm. That is quite a bit earlier than we are used to. We sure love it here. I’m sure I’ve mentioned it before but people are so friendly. You can strike up a conversation with just about anyone, or they will. I’m trying to become more outgoing. When people ask us what we do (meaning what job defines you?) we tell them we are missionaries (it doesn’t have a bad connotation here) and they always ask us to where (meaning which country) and we say we were missionaries to Boise, Id and now we are missionaries to North Carolina and are just waiting for the call to go elsewhere. People also frequently ask us what brought us here

and the only true answer is GOD. So that’s what we say, mostly it opens to a lengthy conversation but occasionally the other person changes the subject (thinking we are insane, I know I would have.) and we talk about other stuff. We just learned today that Dinner is the noon meal and Supper is the meal at sundown. It had been throwin’ us but now we know. We are enjoying being Southern. My buddy David in Boise said to watch out for the Blair Witch in the forest behind the house. Thanks David, now I won’t be able to go in the backyard after dark. More later, now “Go Out and Serve Your KING!” m We just heard that the ACCEPTED OUR OFFER ON THE HOUSE! :)