Met up with our Real Estate Agent, Kevin on Wed. evening, we asked our agent in Boise if she could put us in touch with someone here, and she got a hold of the Coldwell Banker office, who in turn put us with Kevin. After meeting with him, and spending the last two days with him we know that GOD was really the one who put us together with Kevin, what a blessing! We had mentioned to Joyce (agent in Boise) that we wanted an agent who was a Christian, and Kevin said he didn’t quite know how he was chosen to work with us, but his office obviously knew he was the man for the job. Divine appointments. So, met with him Wed. late afternoon, and he took us out to Summerfield, an area the locals call “horse country” we think it was like Eagle, Idaho, or Tustin, Calif. The house was cute, about 800 Sq. Ft. but needed some structural work, not a good thing. We went back to the office and got online and found 98 properties in our range, spent a couple hours looking at them,

We are currently staying at the Oak Hollow campground in High Point. It’s really close to the realtor and has cable but doesn’t have internet. We are backed right up the lake which is cool but we are ready to have a house. Gar loves to be in the “House” with us (and he can’t behave outside, barks at anyone near the campsite) but Loki lives to be outside. I didn’t think he would like the heat and humidity but it is like pulling teeth to get him back inside. When we are here you’ll find him sprawled in the dirt at the end of his leash. Kevin the realtor has been a great blessing. He goes to a great church that sounds like is really hard at it. He is part of a ministry that ministers to people with AIDS as well as drug and alcohol related issues. He also goes with his church street witnessing. He said it gets easier! We didn’t get to go to church on Thursday night…Kevin had canceled his appointment and wanted to take us out looking for a house…and it paid off. It’s hard to believe we could be in it so quickly. Paige just spoke with Kevin and he said the owner of the property lives in Virginia and has owned it since 1972. He has recently been upgrading it, new windows, siding etc. We are meeting with Kevin at 3pm to work up an offer. He expects we can be in it in 15 days. M