Tuesday, September 26, 2006
So we got Cable TV which is one of the reasons we haven’t updated. Boy, it’s nice to have TV again. We got the DVR (Digital Video Recorder) so we can set it up to record whatever we want. Cable has really come a long way and is better than we expected. Our Pastor David McGee has a show on local TV. We get to watch him on Saturday night as well.

This weekend we went to a few huge Flea Markets, (Cooks & Flea Country) 2 of them are only a few miles from our house. We got a small retro white swivel chair and a lime green chest of drawers. We were surprised by people being able to smoke inside the building. I few years ago we would have enjoyed smoking and drinking beer while looking at Flea Market stuff, but now it just made us queasy. We sure don’t miss all of that. Thank You, LORD!

At a furniture store in Greensboro we found a bed that sits low to the floor. We wanted a low bed for Loki (he’s old and achy.) and we also like the retro look. In case you haven’t noticed in the pictures we are shootin’ for a retro / modern look which is totally different than what we had before. We got the bed frame for $48. We also got a cool coffee table and two end tables which were not 48 bucks, but it all works out. I’ve been assembling all of our furniture purchases (T.V. stands, bookshelves, tables and beds.) Most of them have way too many parts and too few understandable directions. It’s a headache but worth it and it is starting to look like home. I’ll upload new pictures to the WebShots album.
It’s about 10am EDT and the Heating and Air Conditioning guys are here tearing out the

ductwork under the house. This is pretty traumatic for the boyz. The first major boom under the house made the dogs nearly jump out of there skins. It was pretty funny. We are glad to have the HVAC underway. The weather alternates between 85 humid and 72 & perfect. It’s not very humid when its 72. When it is hot and humid it makes it hard to do anything in the house but we have been doing pretty well. It will be nice to be able to control

the weather in the house. The electrician was here for a bit yesterday and stuck the new electrical box on the wall. Well, stuck sounds quiet but it included grinding, pounding and drilling. Paige ordered window blinds from here previous job at Wallpaper Warehouse. It will be nice to have window covering on all of our windows instead of just our bedroom. It’s good to be home.
Here is a link directly to the new Living room and Master bedroom pictures on WebShots.