Thursday, September 14, 2006
Well tomorrow we close on the house. Because the furnace and other items that need repair the owner gave us a $1500 credit to fix stuff. Today we are getting a couple of other bids on the heating and cooling system. Tuesday we scheduled an installation of the invisible Fence
http://www.invisiblefence.com/ . It will be really nice because we don’t want to ruin the back yard with a fence; part of its charm is its wildness. So for less than the cost of a real one we got an Invisible Fence. They offer a 99.5% containment rate, training with the dog (or boyz) and lifetime equipment warranties. They are going to install it Friday afternoon. We got the refrigerator and stove on Wednesday, we wanted the stainless steel finish but decided to go with something called a “silvermist” finish. It looks like stainless

but doesn’t get as fingerprinty (I like fingerprinty, I think it is a fine word). So now we have all of the major appliances and most of the major furniture. Sectional Sofa, Fridge, Stove and mattress will all be delivered on Monday and the Washer and Dryer on Tuesday. We also have DishNetwork scheduled to install on Sunday afternoon. We decided to go with them because they are the only provider that offers SkyAngel
http://www.skyangel.com/. SkyAngel can be added to DishNetwork and adds a bunch of Christian television channels for a small price. We

will also get 2 DVR’s (Digital Video Recorders; it’s kinda like TiVo) in the deal. It rained nonstop, and I mean really really nonstop for a day and a half. We’re glad we aren’t so close to the lake anymore. I bet it’s really high now. I love the rain but will be glad to get out of the RV! Well I’ve got to get ready to go to the house for the bids. More later, M
p.s. Susan our friend from church changed her webpage check it out at