This is the 3rd recent post, check below for the older ones. :)
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Well here is what else is going on in our world:
Paige is still working at the consignment furniture place and is getting to know her co-workers. We are planning to get together with some of them socially soon. At Christmas the owners gave them all a party where you could go to different stations and make meals to be cooked later, I know the place has a name but I can’t thing of it and we met the spouses and were met by the spouses and it was a nice time. We also went over to help Paige’s boss move and got to interact a bit more. We want to go to “Hillbilly Hideaway” for dinner as a group in the near future. “Hillbilly Hideaway” is the restaurant we took Gail and Alan Mutke (Paige’s Mom and her husband) to when they came and visited. It’s an All-You-Care-To-Eat place that serves home cookin’ country style. Anyone who comes to visit will probably get to eat there. We have friends at the church as well. The Jernigans’ (Rick, Margaret, Mary Catherine and Little Ricky.) They are the first people we met (They offered the use of their truck) and we go out for lunch after church occasionally. John and Heather Oates are a young couple we met at the Connection (A newcomers luncheon at church) and we went to their families party for Thanksgiving. The couple that watched our boys when we went to California are William and Wendy Tolley and they have 2 kids and they are in our “How to Follow Jesus” class on Sunday night. They came over for lunch before we left to get to know the boyz (Gar & Loki) a bit. It’s been really nice getting to know people and are excited to continue to get to know them.
Our lives are pretty full but it keeps us out of trouble. Sundays we go to church at Calvary Chapel of the Triad at 9am. Pastor David McGee teaches verse-by-verse from the New Testament on Sundays and we are currently in Acts. As I said earlier Sunday nights we go to the “How to Follow Jesus” class and when that is over we might get into a small group or look into working with the youth because they have a service at night. Paige and I both have a heart to see youth on fire for Christ. Monday is one of Paige’s days off so we go to the church and volunteer in the “Blessing Room” where people donate clothes and other people can take for free. We go through the bags of donated clothes and sort, hang or fold them. It’s a great ministry and really helps people out. We are usually there a good part of the day and are blessed to be a
ble to eat lunch at the church with the staff. Tuesday and Wednesday I go to the church after I drop Paige off at work and spend the day doing whatever needs to be done. Recently I placed, cut and glued carpet squares throughout the children’s area and have been painting. Thursday we go to church and Pastor David teaches verse-by-verse through the Old Testament and we are currently in 1 Samuel. We are planning on working with the “Sparkle” team to help clean up after the Thursday service. Friday I go back to the church after dropping Paige off. Saturday I try and get stuff done around the house and if it’s not too cold, the yard. Sunday we start all over again. We are truly blessed to be able to do all the things we had hoped we could. Right now I’m in the process of trying to get into the Forsyth County Prison and High Point Jail. I’m hoping to build a small team to go in and minister, whether in groups of inmates or one-on-one in cells. Whatever doors the Lord opens we will walk through. I’m also looking into volunteering at the local Christian Television Station to learn all I can about that sort of ministry. Our church has a pretty serious media team with television and radio shows so it would be a great place to get involved. This was always the plan when we left Boise and only God could have made it happen. PTL. -m
Paige is still working at the consignment furniture place and is getting to know her co-workers. We are planning to get together with some of them socially soon. At Christmas the owners gave them all a party where you could go to different stations and make meals to be cooked later, I know the place has a name but I can’t thing of it and we met the spouses and were met by the spouses and it was a nice time. We also went over to help Paige’s boss move and got to interact a bit more. We want to go to “Hillbilly Hideaway” for dinner as a group in the near future. “Hillbilly Hideaway” is the restaurant we took Gail and Alan Mutke (Paige’s Mom and her husband) to when they came and visited. It’s an All-You-Care-To-Eat place that serves home cookin’ country style. Anyone who comes to visit will probably get to eat there. We have friends at the church as well. The Jernigans’ (Rick, Margaret, Mary Catherine and Little Ricky.) They are the first people we met (They offered the use of their truck) and we go out for lunch after church occasionally. John and Heather Oates are a young couple we met at the Connection (A newcomers luncheon at church) and we went to their families party for Thanksgiving. The couple that watched our boys when we went to California are William and Wendy Tolley and they have 2 kids and they are in our “How to Follow Jesus” class on Sunday night. They came over for lunch before we left to get to know the boyz (Gar & Loki) a bit. It’s been really nice getting to know people and are excited to continue to get to know them.
Our lives are pretty full but it keeps us out of trouble. Sundays we go to church at Calvary Chapel of the Triad at 9am. Pastor David McGee teaches verse-by-verse from the New Testament on Sundays and we are currently in Acts. As I said earlier Sunday nights we go to the “How to Follow Jesus” class and when that is over we might get into a small group or look into working with the youth because they have a service at night. Paige and I both have a heart to see youth on fire for Christ. Monday is one of Paige’s days off so we go to the church and volunteer in the “Blessing Room” where people donate clothes and other people can take for free. We go through the bags of donated clothes and sort, hang or fold them. It’s a great ministry and really helps people out. We are usually there a good part of the day and are blessed to be a