Another early morning here is Southern California. The weather has been really nice, sunny and warm. The memorial service was nice, it was at a Lutheran church that the Grandparents had attended for many years and at which Mally had provided some beautiful stained glass pieces. The Pastor really knew Mally so he could speak about him. Family and friends stood up and remembered him and we celebrated his life. A lady spoke to us in the Fellowship Hall after the service and said there was one aspect of Mally that wasn’t mentioned. He liked to eat. We like to eat too as you know if you’ve followed this blog much. It’s one of those things that prove how much God loves us. He gave us an amazing variety of things to enjoy. We remember a time when Mally and Myrl came to visit us in Boise and we took them to our favorite Mexican restaurant. We aren’t even sure what he ordered but when it came out it was on a plate the size as a trashcan lid. Nobody thought he could finish it all but he did.
We chatted with most everyone in the family, which is like conversing with a small village. Which is good for wannabe missionaries, spreadin’ the good news is not just cracking people upside the head with the Bible. We enjoyed visiting with everyone but a few people stand out; Glenn Wolf (Paige’s Cousin), who is an artist (He gave us a terrific botanical print as a wedding gift, and it has been all over the country with us.) As it usually does in most of our conversations, church came up and he told us that in the early 70’s he attended some concerts put on by Calvary Chapel. It was especially interesting because that was the early days of our church. We always look forward to seeing Glenn and hearing what’s

We went to Harvest Christian Fellowship which is Evangelist Greg Laurie’s church in Riverside, CA. http://www.harvest.org/ We had been there before and love it. It’s a huge church. The first

and Anaheim @ Angel’s Stadium August 3rd through the 5th 2007 as well as Turlock, CA @ CSU Stanislaus August 24th through the 26th 2007. http://www.harvest.org/crusades/2007/turlock/ We are planning on attending the Raleigh Crusade, and God willing, working it. These events are always free and have incredible musical guests. Check em’ out if they come to your area, you might be surprised.