Saturday, Oct 21st, 2006
I started job hunting back the first week of Oct, applied for a job at the Wake Forest Deacon Pro shop in the mall, a Salvage building supply, a

consignment furniture store and some misc. retail shops. Sent a resume to a Christian Counseling center looking for a substance abuse counselor, and applied to our church because they were looking for a part time secretary. The Deacon shop called me to interview first, and of course the full time position called for Sundays and nights, so I told the woman that I might be interested in the part time position instead of full time so I wouldn’t have to miss church. She didn’t seem to understand and I didn’t hear back from her. The day after that interview the furniture place called, the owner asked what brought me to NC and when I told her GOD, she said she got goosebumps. We had a pretty lengthy conversation on the phone and I went in Friday for a “working interview”. The store is closed on Sundays (smile) and closes at 6pm (church starts at 7 - smile) The positions are part time with full time pay, they figure if they pay their employees well enough they don’t have to work full time and can have time to be with their families and/or ministries. Awesome. Even though it’s part time they offer benefits and paid vacation, the owner said something about the benefits being expensive, so they give you a reimbursement check every month to help off-set the cost. WOW. I go back on Monday and am sure will get more info. Since I’m making so much money (twice what I made in Boise) Mike is going to be the house husband until just the right thing comes along. He had said he would go back to security, and the company he worked for in Boise, has an office here in Greensboro, but we know it would be night (like graveyard) and/or weekends (at least at first), and I really don’t

want him doing that. Thankfully we don’t need two incomes because we own the house, and have very little monthly expenses-God is good!
We went to the local mall to see a free concert today. Aaron Shust played, he said he wasn’t used to playing at malls, but we all think it went very well. He made sure everyone there listening, and everyone passing by knew why we were all there-to praise God. We

sang along “our Savior lives, our Savior loves, our Savior’s there for me” he played for about an hour, then was heading to Charlotte for a concert tonight. It was really cool. After church on Sunday we are going out to lunch with the very first people we met at Calvary. (The ones who said we could borrow their truck, and stay at their house) Then I think we will drive up to Mt Airy or somewhere to see the fall leaves in full. If we get home by 5pm, we will go join a small group at church, we’ve been meaning to for a couple weeks now.