Paige job is going well. I miss her. We spent the last few months together 24/7 and its hard not

We are still looking for a hutch thingy fro the kitchen and have been training the dogs with the invisible fence. It’s going to be hard to let them get shocked but I guess its part of the learning process. We found a framed print we had been looking for, for some time. It’s called “Master Bedroom” and is on a Lab sleeping on the bed. It looks like our room if the boys have their way. We purchased a new programmable thermostat to replace the old new one. The Heating/Cooling guys said they used to use programmable ones but they were too hard to explain how to use. We had one at the Boise house and like to be able

Wow it looks pretty cold in Boise, a High of 42 and a LOW of 17. Arrgh! That’s not Fall. It’s

The Sunday before last we went to lunch after church with the Jernigan’s. They were the first people we met at Calvary Chapel of the Triad, the ones that offered us the loan of their truck. It was a really nice time. We had great conversation and their kids were great too. They surprised us with a house warming gift of a cross that has the bible verse 2 Corinthians 5:7 … For we walk by faith, not by sight. It is really nice and will be a great addition to our collection.
Well I guess that’s it for now. Make sure you check out the story about Clay Dyer below. God Bless!