Wednesday, March 7, 2007
Well, today I’m back at the dentist, I’m in the car with my laptop and my buddy Mike is in the dentist. It’s another nice day. After we finish here we will try and get back to the church by lunchtime. Mike is another volunteer; he vacuums the church and cleans the bathrooms. I’ve been doing a few different types of jobs from re-hanging shelves, changing out toilet paper dispensers, gluing molding down as well as the usual painting. I really need to take some pictures so you can see what it looks like. The church and its staff have been an unbelievable blessing to us since we got here. They couldn’t have been more loving or have treated us more like family. They went out of their way and did something really nice for us recently. I don’t really want to go into detail but we know that they are the type of people we want to serve God with. We are so thankful to God for letting us pursue our dreams out here and that He would let us be a part of this incredible “thing” that Calvary Chapel of the Triad is. It is amazing and I don’t know if I’ve mentioned it before but this church is a bit over 4 years old and has over a thousand people attending on Sunday. It started as a bible study of 5 people and 4 years later it’s over a thousand. Only God can do that. In the short time we have been here we have seen it grow and expect it to grow even more. It’s a great thing to be part of.

We recently bought a bird feeder and hung it right outside our kitchen window. It took a few weeks before the birds found it, but when they did it was hard to keep it filled. It mainly attracts two types of birds; the Carolina Chickadee (tiny tanish bird with the black and white head) and the Tufted Titmouse (grayish with orange under wings and a spike on its head). I've been trying to take pictures through the window. I have a few good pictures of them. We did get one blurry picture of a Cardinal, which is the main reason we got the feeder. We didn't have Cardinal's in Boise.

There is a North Carolina Women’s Conference hosted by the Calvary Chapel in Cary, coming later this month and Paige is going to go. It’s 3 days and 2 nights in Greensboro. Greensboro is about 20 miles away but they are going to stay in a hotel. It should be a really great time to get to know other women in the congregation and to be able to spend time with people she already knows. In May I am planning to go to the Southern Pastors conference in Atlanta, GA. its open to Pastors, leaders and people who want to learn more so I’m going to go. The church is working on teaming

people up with rides and sharing hotels rooms to keep the cost down. We are also praying about being able to go with the church to Israel late in the year. Money is fairly tight with one income but we have begun saving already so we can go. Our Pastor is very knowledgeable about Israel and is very good bringing the original Hebrew into his messages so it will be very interesting to be there and being able to hear him teach in the original land. We as a church and as a family support the Jewish people and Israel in general. This may come as a

surprise to some of you, but Jesus and all of the 1st Christians were Jews and God made promises to them that He will not break. If you pray, we would ask you to pray that God would open doors and help us get to the places that he wants us to be. We really just want to be where He wants us to be.
We went out to Hillbilly Hide-A-Way for dinner with some people Paige works with (Sammy and his girlfriend and Kathy and her family). It always has great country style food and this time we stuck around and went to the area set aside for live music. The musicians are very talented and I have always been a fan of old bluegrass style country music (i.e. Hank William Sr., George Jones and banjos etc.) It was a lot of fun and we hope to do it again. The next day we

went over to Kathy and Chris’ house because we are going to take care of their pets when they are on vacation. We wanted to meet their dogs, Drew (think German Shepherd / Whippet) and Macy (Wirehair Terrier Mix). We had a great time with the people and the dogs and are looking forward to going to Flea Markets, camping, etc. with them (the people). We have a lot in common and really hit it off (the people). The dogs are really sweet and Macy has a natural Mohawk and eyebrows like I would have if I didn’t trim them. We are going to enjoy watching them and will upload pictures later. (later turns out to be now.)
I guess you can see I have added some other informational items on the left side of the blog. So now if you want the verse of the day, search

the Bible, or spellcheck your comments or my post. :) You can. There is also a new photo section with a few photos. The main site for new photos will still be also added links to the weekly (New Testament Sunday and Old Testament Thursday) messages from Calvary Chapel of the Triad. They will change every week and are a great listen. More soon. -m