When you get the urge to sell everything and move - it's probably GOD, especially when it's to move to hurricane country. We started thinking about moving a couple years ago, but we were thinking Ecuador!! That didn't pan out, so we waited, and waited, and waited. We then talked to someone from Kentucky and found out how cheap housing was, so we got on line and looked for ourselves. Found a cute little place on a lake for like $39, 000.00, which led us to look closer to water. Started looking online in North Carolina, and found places were equally as cheap. Mike then got on line and started searching for churches, we have been going to a Calvary Chapel, because they have a Wednesday night service, and he found North Carolina had many. He then listened to a couple of sermons via the web, which led us to the destination of Kernersville, North Carolina. We got out the map, and looked some more online at properties, and prayed...a lot! We decided to make the leap, and started planning, all the while asking in prayer if this was what GOD wanted for us. Things just kept coming together, so we kept moving forward. -p
The links to the right of the Blog are ours. They link to the Official NC page, A Winston-Salem Newspaper, Cities we are looking into and the church. -m